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Employees and LC D'Heroes underwent Rapid Test

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Photo: Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos

BANYUWANGI – Karyawan dan lady companion (LC) nightclub D'Heroes Cafe, underwent a rapid test at the Jajag Community Health Center, Gambiran District, Banyuwangi Regency, Sunday (5/6/2020) sore.

Dilansir dari Radar Banyuwangi – Jawa Pos, that's after a former employee with the initials RH (30) tested positive for COVID-19.

RH from Bangorejo District, who once worked at a nightlife venue located in Petahunan Hamlet, Jajag Village, Gambiran District, it becomes a patient 33 COVID-19 in Banyuwangi Regency.

“Rapid test ini antisipasi agar tidak ada penyebaran COVID-19,” ujar manager Kafe D’Heroes, Jajag Village, Gambiran District, Jojo.

This rapid test, light him, carried out to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 to its employees. As a server, they are vulnerable to contracting the Corona virus.

“Tes cepat ini untuk mengetahui antibodi para pelayan,He said.

Jojo admitted that RH had tested positive for COVID-19, used to work in his cafe. It is just, it was out before there was a pandemic.

“Sebelum masa pandemi, RH has left D'Heroes," he said.

Through this quick test, light him, if there are employees or LC who are reactive, immediately handled quickly.

“Uji cepat ini sangat efisien, We check it so it doesn't spread to other people," he said.

If there are employees or LCs who are reactive, he continued, then the rapid test will be repeated again at nine or 10 next day. And the employee or LC, will be quarantined independently.

“Dari hasil rapid test ini tidak ada yang reaktif," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Jajag Community Health Center, Gambiran District, Dr Yos Hermawan said when confirmed, rapid test carried out at the Jajag Community Health Center, Gambiran District was followed 18 person.

“Semuanya dari kelompok resiko tertular,He said.

For rapid test results, it's clear, they were unable to comment. Because, The results of the rapid test are immediately taken to the Health Service (Health Office) Banyuwangi.

“Yang bisa memberikan komentar itu jubir Gugus Tugas COVID-19,” ungkapnya.

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