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East Java Regional Police Chief Requires Second Dose of Vaccination for Crossing at Banyuwangi Harbor

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East Java Police Chief, Irjen Pol Nico Afinta memberikan keterangan pers usai peresmian SMAN 2 Bhayangkara Banyuwangi Cadets. (PHOTO: Agung Sedana/ TIMES Indonesia)

Selama masa liburan Natal dan tahun baru mendatang, Kapolda Jatim Irjen Pol Nico Afinta akan melakukan pengamanan ekstra ketat di seluruh pintu masuk Jawa Timur. Untuk syarat menyeberang di pelabuhan Ketapang Banyuwangi, penumpang harus sudah menerima vaksinasi genap dosis kedua.

Besides that, sejumlah posko penjagaan juga akan didirikan di titik-titik yang akan ditentukan mendatang. Di posko ini, Polri dan TNI bersama Satgas Covid-19 Kabupaten akan melakukan proses screening secara ketat.

Apabila ditemukan penumpang yang belum vaksinasi Covid-19, maka akan langsung dieksekusi ditempat.

“Di Banyuwangi akan dibentuk posko yang akan menjalankan operasi yustisi secara random. For those who have not been vaccinated, they will be vaccinated on the spot,” tegas Irjen Nico usai peresmian gedung SMAN 2 Bhayangkara Banyuwangi Cadets, Sunday (19/12/2021).

However, For people who have just received the first dose of vaccination, they can still cross at the Ketapang port, Banyuwangi. But with the condition that Covid-19 independent evidence must be attached 1 x 24 jam. Either in the form of a rapid test or other health certificate according to the policy of the Covid-19 Task Force.

“Semua pelaku perjalanan diharapkan sudah vaksin dosis kedua. Membawa rapidtest 1 x 24 hours for those who haven't had the second vaccine,” jelas Jenderal polisi bintang dua tersebut.

Besides that, He also requires all travelers to prioritize the 5M protocol rules. Whether it's on the vehicle during the trip, on the ship or during a rest stop.

“Saya mohon juga kepada masyarakat aturan pakai masker dan peraturan lainnya hendaknya dipatuhi. This is important," he said.

Besides that, East Java Police will prioritize 3 important points that became priority during Nataru. Starting from the readiness of church security, security for the new year and also preparedness for handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Untuk gereja nanti ada SOP tersendiri. New year (public places) There are also separate hours, which are adjusted to the Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs and the Circular of the Minister of Religion and according to the direction of the President regarding the 5M protocol.,He said.

So that the handling of Covid-19 can run optimally, he asked people not to do excessive mobility. As much as possible, to celebrate Christmas or New Year can be done with family at home.

“Saya minta dan mohon masyarakat sebisa mungkin tinggal dirumah saja. Because the new variant of Omicron has arrived. Penting bagi kita waspada. Seluruhnya di Jatim mulai dari RT wajib menerapkan protokol 5M,he explained.

Don't forget, agar negara Indonesia segera terbebas dari Covid-19 dan seluruh daerah di Nusantara memiliki kekebalan bersama terhadap setiap ancaman Covid-19 dan varian barunya, dia mengajak masyarakat untuk segera menuntaskan dosis vaksinasi sesuai yang diwajibkan pemerintah. “Ayo rek kabeh vaksin keloro,” cetus Kapolda Jatim Irjen Pol Nico Afinta.

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