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Village Head along Glenmore Complained to Polres Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI – Rojikin, Village Chief, Glenmore District was complained by Sugeng Hariyadi (50), deputy chairman of the Village Representative Council (BPD) and Muhammad Atho'illah (48) who is also a member of the BPD Sepanjang to the Banyuwangi Police Chief, Wednesday afternoon (14/2/18). Rojikin is suspected of committing fraud and extortion of Rp 10 million.

Based on the statement of Sugeng and Atho'illah, the complaint they both submitted to the Chief of Police was based on Safi'i's complaint (52), residents of Sepanjang Wetan Hamlet, RT 01 RW 01 Throughout Village, Glenmore District to BPD Sepanjang in early February 2018.

“The essence of Safi'i's complaint to the BPD institution, that he asked for justice regarding himself as a tenant of the village treasury land (TKD) Throughout the area 9 hectares. Because on 22 December 2017 then, when he was invited by the village head Rojikin to clarify the issue of renting TKD, it turned out that this Safi'i was asked to sign on a blank piece of paper by the village head which was later found to contain the handing over of TKD covering an area of 9 hectares handed over to the village,” he explained.

Sugeng revealed, related to alleged extortion because Safi'i harvested crops on the TKD paddy field he rented, but in reality he had submitted it based on the signature on the paper that was proffered by the Rojikin village head and witnessed by the chairman of the BPD Sepanjang.

“Initially, the Rojikin village head asked for Rp 15 million to Safi'i for having the courage to harvest on TKD's paddy fields which had been submitted with proof of Safi'i's signature, but after bargaining, the deal was finally Rp 10 million. The money was paid the same day, because otherwise, brother Rojikin will report Safi'i and Fail (TKD rice field cultivators hired by Safi'i) to the police on charges of land grabbing,” Sugeng said.

In his complaint letter to the Banyuwangi Police Chief, Sugeng Hariyadi and Muhammad Atho'illah also attached Safi'i's complaint letter to the BPD, letter of cancellation of the TKD rental agreement between Pj. Head of Throughout, Muhammad Atmin, SPd, MM, Receipt of compensation for the Rojikin village head and the rental agreement for the TKD Sepanjang between the Acting. Kades Sepanjang with Safi'i as tenant.

“We hope that the Banyuwangi Police Chief will process our complaint as soon as possible in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,” said Sugeng and atho'illah.