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Car Racing Jockey on Jalan Gajah Mada Banyuwangi Surrendered Himself, These are the sanctions given by the police – Radar Banyuwangi

Car Racing Jockey on Jalan Gajah Mada Banyuwangi Surrendered Himself, These are the sanctions given by the police – Radar Banyuwangi
Register your email to Subscribe to news delivered directly to your mailbox – Police officers moved quickly to investigate illegal racing using cars on Jalan Gajah Mada Banyuwangi.

The race involved Toyota Innova and BMW cars.

After being searched by the police, driver of a BMW car with plate number (number one) N 244 GIS finally surrendered.

He is AJ, 17, residents of Kradenan Village, Purwoharjo District. AJ surrendered himself after being asked by his colleague to come to the police station.

Previously, Innova car jockey, Priyo Tri Priambodo, 29, from Malang, first arrested by the police.

The driver of the car with plate number N 1327 The ABR was secured while parking at the Baluk intersection, Brawijaya Street, Kebalenan Village.

"After the illegal racing action, we disbanded it, personnel conducted a sweep. They are looking for the whereabouts of vehicles used for illegal racing," said the Head of the Turjawali Traffic Unit for the Banyuwangi Police, Inspector Budi Mujiono.

Budi said, The sedan driver, AJ, turned out to be underage and did not have a driving license (SIM).

They will call AJ's parents. “The BMW driver is still a minor, That's why we involve the parents to be able to supervise their children,He said.

From the results of the examination, continued Budi, The two perpetrators of illegal racing are still friends. Both admitted that they did not race, just stylish for other teenagers to see.

"It's just style, apparently not an enemy of the race. Both are friends hang out around Mojopanggung," he said.

The two of them had a crazy idea when they saw many teenagers doing wild racing on motorbikes.


JUST A TICKET: Illegal racing jockeys on Jalan Gajah Mada surrendered and were given a ticket. (Good job Rio)

"Despite whatever reason, both of them are still guilty of carrying out racing actions. Both of them still have to be held accountable for their actions,"Budi emphasized.

The two illegal racers were given strict sanctions and training. Meanwhile, the vehicles used for the race remain secured. "To provide a deterrent effect, Car drivers are subject to sanctions in the form of fines,said Budi. (rio/aif/c1)