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Establish Friendship by Enjoying Jenang Suro Together

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BANYUWANGI – Culinary jenang suro is a characteristic of people on the island of Java in the month of Muharram or the month of Suro in the Javanese calendar..

For the people of Banyuwangi Regency, The jenang or Suro porridge that has been made is not only enjoyed with the family, but also distributed to neighbors to strengthen the relationship.

“The purpose of this is to ask for advice, good health, sustenance flows smoothly like water. Pray while giving jenang suro to neighbors and praying for each other,” Marjo said (62) Kalipuro Village residents, Banyuwangi Regency after making jenang suro, Tuesday (11/9/2018).

After sharing jenang suro, Marjo read Yasin's letter to ask to be kept away from disaster, given long life and abundant sustenance. For the people of Java, The month of Suro is the new year of the Javanese calendar as well as the Islamic new year entering the month of Muharram.

“This is a tradition to close the year, May it be a blessing and better behavior in the next year,” he said.

Marjo has been doing the tradition of sharing Suro jenang with his neighbors for generations. He only makes once a year every month Suro and doesn't sell it. “This is done once a year. Routine to start first, from generation to generation,” he said.

Jenang Suro is made with rice flour which is cooked with coconut milk until cooked. Then on the top it is given a complement such as chicken meat that is cut into small pieces, cakes, fried beans, omelet and fried tofu.

“Cut the fried chicken and eggs into small pieces, continue to be given chili and poured with thick curry coconut milk,” clear.

When eaten, jenang suro gives off a savory and soft taste. To maintain the quality of taste, Coconut milk curry will be poured when ready to be consumed.

If you want to enjoy jenang suro, These traditional culinary delights are easy to find in the Banyuwangi city area in the morning starting at 07-00 until 10.00 WIB.

“If you buy in the morning, because this is suitable for breakfast, cool the stomach,” says the Mishnah, jenang suro seller in Panderejo village, Banyuwangi.