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Become an Investment Reference, Budgeting Banyuwangi Becomes More 'Anyes'

TIMES BANYUANGI, BANYUWANGI – The presence of PT Bumi Suksesindo investors (PT BSI) bring a positive impact in accelerating the progress of the Pesanggaran District area, Banyuwangi, East Java.

In other words, existence of a subsidiary company PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, proven to make Pesanggaran District more 'Anyes' or Safe, Cozy, Serene and Prosperous.

Yes, through Community Development and Empowerment programs (PPM) or commonly called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), PT BSI continues to maintain its commitment to the community and district government (district government) Banyuwangi. Various programs with the concept of community economic empowerment continue to be launched.

Like a home surgery program, Advanced Fishing Village (Kalaju), paver factory construction, places of worship construction projects, road infrastructure development and many more. The program initiated was the result of deliberations with the community and village government. Including the Integrated Team which is an extension of the local government.

This community economic empowerment program is carried out in a sustainable manner by PT BSI in the ring one area of ​​Pesanggaran District. Both in Sarong Village, Cage, Sumbermulyo, Pesanggaran and Sumberagung Village, which is the location where the company is located.

"The existence of PT BSI certainly brings a lot of changes (progress). Many good programs have been given to the community,said the village chief (village head) Sumberagung, Vivian Agustin, Monday (30/1/2023).

He mentioned that empowering the synergy of sharing benefits by empowering the surrounding community is one of the concepts applied by the company in the home renovation program. There the community through Community Groups (Pokmas), can propose houses for people with economically disadvantaged who are eligible to receive a house renovation program.

When executing, The workforce recruited is also from the local community.

"So, it's not just house renovation recipients who are prosperous, but the surrounding community who are implementing the activity will also feel the economic impact," he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by the Head of Pesanggaran Sub-District, Drs. R. Agus Mulyono, M.Si. According to him, existence of PT BSI, as an investor, have a positive impact on the region. The empowerment program launched is in line with the District Government program (district government) Banyuwangi.

"So, accelerated development and the community's economy continues to grow and develop,He said.

According to Agus, gold mining subsidiary of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, also has a high sensitivity to the condition of society. Example, when the flood disaster inundated the Pesanggaran District area, PT BSI immediately responded by distributing a number of aids.

Both assistance in the form of food packages to flood-affected communities. As well as the assistance of heavy equipment and a fleet of dump trucks to speed up cleaning up of leftover flood waste.

"So, the existence of PT BSI also has a role in realizing the tagline 'Pesanggaran Anyes', i.e. Safe Savings, Cozy, Serene and Prosperous,"said sub-district head Agus.

As known, Sumberagung village area, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi, East Java, is the investment location of PT BSI, as the holder of Production Operation Mining Business Permit (IUP ON) Gold and its Follower Minerals, Number 188/547/KEP/429.011/2012.

This subsidiary of PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk has also been declared a National Vital Object (Obvitnas) according to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 159.K/90/MEM/2020. This Domestic Investment Company or PMDN has production operations in Sumberagung Village, Subdistrict of Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi, East Java.

As an investor, PT BSI with partners, continues to stick to its commitment to society, including for beach tourism in Banyuwangi. The PPM program continues to be launched by targeting four sectors, namely education, health, infrastructure development, and community economic empowerment. (*)

herald : Syamsul Arifin
Editor : Irfan Ansari
