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This 11 Banyuwangi Development Target Priority Points Year 2024

TIMES BANYUANGI, BANYUWANGI - Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda) Banyuwangi, East Java, has formulated a Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) Banyuwangi year 2024. In an activity held on Wednesday (1/2/2023) the Hedon Cafe, Gajah Mada Street Mojoroto Environment, Mojopanggung Village, Giri District was initiated 11 development target priority points Banyuwangi Regency on 2024.

The results of the formulation include zero extreme poverty, reduction in stunting, investment convenience, strengthening logistics distribution infrastructure and basic services. Next point, strengthening processed industrial products that have the potential to be exported, expansion of international cooperation for market development, strengthening social capital in ensuring conduciveness of social and political investment.

Maintaining the ecosystem of agricultural economic actors, tourist, and MSMEs. Strengthening Human Resources (HR) which is competitive. Non-stop service-based development. And for the 11th point is digital transformation down to the village.

The agenda for this public consultation was attended by all agencies or Regional Work Units (SKPD). Academia and all gatherings or organizations on Bumi Blambangan. Including the Banyuwangi Village Consultative Body Association (Banyuwangi BPD Association).

Participants were asked to provide suggestions and input. Furthermore, it is synchronized with regional development priority programs.

Head of Field (Head of Division) Banyuwangi Bappeda Development Planning, Darmawan Agung Nugroho, said that the direction of Banyuwangi's policy in 2024 is 'Strengthening Economic Resilience by Maintaining Social Stability and Integrated Infrastructure through Collaboration, Innovation and Transformation'.

"Medium Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) Banyuwangi, namely guaranteeing safe and effective investment for financing strategic projects aimed at increasing Regional Original Income (PAD) and Export,He said, Thursday (2/2/2023).

During activities, still Dharmawan, Bappeda Banyuwangi, accommodate a lot of input. One of them is the concern, school conditions, smoking related education, violence against children and women, migrant worker case, stunting, pharmacist license, empowerment of traditional herbal medicine and other businesses.

"All suggestions and input from SKPD, Stakeholder, academy, our associations and organizations are accommodated and forwarded to the fields in Bappeda to be formulated and followed up on,he explained.

For follow up, will be carried out through the Development Planning Meeting mechanism (Musrenbang) RKPD at the sub-district level to explore the direct aspirations of the community.

"About the implementation in the near future this month in each sub-district," he explained.

Besides 11 development priority points, Banyuwangi also has another target. Such as lowering the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) as big as 0,58 percent. Reducing the poverty rate by 0,19 percent, improve the Human Development Index (IPM) as big as 0,19 percent and reduce the GINI Ratio index or income inequality by 0,02 percent.

But honey, public communication forum held Bappeda Banyuwangi, held behind closed doors. Journalists were hindered when they wanted to do coverage. (*)

herald : Syamsul Arifin
Editor : Ferry Agusta Satrio


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