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Homestay Around Red Island Beach Banyuwangi Turns Out Standing Without IMB

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Photo: Kabarjawatimurcom

BANYUWANGI – Mojo Surf Camp Pulau Merah, along with a number of other homestays in Dusun Pancer, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi Regency, ensured to stand without being equipped with a building permit (IMB). This fact was revealed in the mediation of the Blambangan Voices Forum peaceful protest (Forsuba) at the Banyuwangi PP Satpol office, Thursday (5/3/2020) yesterday.

“Masyarakat pernah berusaha mengurus IMB, but never worked, finally all do not have IMB,” kata Kasi Penyidikan dan Penindakan Satpol PP Banyuwangi, Achmad Rifai SH as reported by Kabarjawatimurcom.

In the forum held in the Banyuwangi PP Satpol office hall,, It was explained that coordination had been carried out with the Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services to find a way out of the IMB problem for the homestay that stood around the coast of Pulau Merah Banyuwangi..

“Sebagai bentuk dukungan pada investasi, we can not immediately close, but the rules must be enforced, therefore we will help so that the homestay building there can have an IMB,” jelas Rifai.

In the forum which was also attended by the Head of Extension and Guidance of the Banyuwangi PP Satpol, Rachmat Iskandar, Head of Forsuba, H Abdillah Rafsanjani and the Head of the Banyuwangi City Police, AKP Ali Masduki and his staff, It was also explained that in fact the owners of homestays in Dusun Pancer, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, have good faith to take care of IMB. But on average they never succeed.

Included in the management of Trade Business Permits (IUP) liquor. Although among the homestay entrepreneurs, someone managed to get an IUP for the liquor trade.

“Kami juga mendukung investasi, but a law-abiding investment. If the homestay stands without an IMB, it clearly violates the Perda (Banyuwangi Regional Regulation), cook to be left?, Yes, temporarily closed, until IMB is done," said the Chief of Forsuba, H Abdillah Rafsanjani.

Do not let, he continued, the case of Mojo Surf Camp Pulau Merah and a number of homestays in Dusun Pancer, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, become a bad image of Satpol PP as law enforcement officers.

According to him, Don't let the public judge that the Banyuwangi PP Satpol has been negligent, for not taking action when there are cases that clearly violate the Perda.

“Nanti masyarakat kan bisa bertanya-tanya, Why is the Satpol PP silent when there is a violation of the Perda?, what is it?, so,” ungkap Abdillah.

Meanwhile, closing the mediation, Forsuba ranks again held a peaceful pro-investment action in the Banyuwangi PP Satpol office yard.

There they support the investment program that is being promoted by the Banyuwangi Regional Government. But of course an investment that is obedient and obeys the rules.

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