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Until the End of the Year Divorce Cases in Banyuwangi Reached 5.330, Majority of Economic Issues

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Divorce illustration

This year the number of divorce cases in Banyuwangi is relatively high, that is to achieve 5.330 case. The divorce cases are dominated by economic problems.

As disclosed data from the Religious Courts (PA) local district. Based on the divorce data, approximately within a period of eleven months as many as thousands of women have the status of new widows.

As explained by Penitera PA Banyuwangi, Subandi, economic factors reach 2.787 matter, whereas strife and bickering constantly reach 1.924 matter.

“Kasus perceraian didominasi permasalahan ekonomi,” kata Penitera PA Banyuwangi, Subandi, as quoted from, media network, Monday (13/12/2021).

Subandy explained, it could be physically marriage has fulfilled the requirements. But spiritually, maybe not yet.

“Diantaranya karena belum bekerja, have not met a steady income. That's a problem," he said.

On average, every month Banyuwangi PA serves divorce proceedings, whether filed by a wife or husband, ranges from 127-330 partner.

The divorce rate in Banyuwangi is quite high. Therefore, The Religious Court hopes that there will be legal counseling to the community.

“Harapan kami harus ada penyuluhan hukum kepada masyarakat di Banyuwangi. Include competent stakeholders, which deals with problems (divorce) that,” katanya menegaskan.

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