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Avoid Electric Brokers, PLN Implement Sarjitu

HANDOVER: Agung Surana (left) gave a duplicate key to Sarjitu's car.
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HANDOVER: Agung Surana (left) gave a duplicate key to Sarjitu's car.

BANYUWANGI – PT. State Electricity Company (PLN), Network Service Area (APJ) Banyuwangi introduced the Siji Pitu Marketing Program (Sarjitu), Friday (11/5) then. The launch, which was carried out on the front page of PLN Banyuwangi, aims to support kWh sales growth of 17 percent compared to last year.

The introduction of Sarjitu was marked by the launch of two cars ready to go around to market electricity door to door throughout the Banyuwangi area. Besides that, Sarjitu's presence is to reduce the number of brokers and maximize new connection services. "This Sarjitu officer will visit potential customers in remote rural areas.

So far, the images that have new pairs are old, convoluted, and expensive. Not to mention using the services of brokers. With Sarjitu, we hope it can be trimmed and services can be provided properly,"said the Manager of APJ PLN Banyuwangi, Ir. Agung Surana. Agung explained, This Sarjitu is an effort to improve service to the community and achieve customer growth and kWh selling for the Banyuwangi area by 17 percent in year 2012.

Therefore, it requires hard and smart work by the whole team, including partners. Due to the growth in sales kWh and year customer growth 2011 Banyuwangi area only reach 7 percent. This year's conditions are the same as last year's, there is still a gap of 10 percent to fight for.

Therefore, agar target 2012 achievable, strategic steps are needed. Among others, carry out business processes for new installations and adding power consistently, carry out the maximum service day commitment according to the level of service quality that has been declared. That is, install new s / d 5.500 The VA must be on for at most five working days, since the customer pays the connection fee, 25 days for those requiring JTR expansion and 85 days for those requiring expansion of JTR/JTM/GTT.

In addition to implementing Bung Sigap (Short Connection No Bribery) as well as implementing PPJB-2 consistently. To support these steps, Agung said, PLN Banyuwangi Area has carried out the YanBung open contract (Connection Service), JTR installation, JTM and GTT. So that the implementation of new connections and power changes can meet the level of service quality consistently.

"Therefore, I asked the assistant manager and administration as well as the rayon manager to make optimal use of this facility. So that the chain of new pairs can be shortened, customers are protected from candidates and can fulfill the day of power service to 5.500 VA without expansion for a maximum of five working days. And, I hope that partners will adjust the speed of service according to PLN's commitment," he concluded. (radar)

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