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Chaotic Orchestra Entertainment, Chairman of PSHT Banyuwangi Down the Mountain Branch

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The moment when the Head of PSHT and the Head of Sambirejo Village and Their Staff Mediated at the Bangorejo Police Headquarters, Monday (24/01). Jaenudin/

BANYUWANGIHITS.ID – Music entertainment stage (orchestra) in the field of Sambirejo Village, Bangorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency, which was held on Sunday (23/1/2022), ends in chaos.

The viewers who are generally the youths, got into a commotion. The action of pushing each other between the masses is suspected to have also colored the entertainment stage.

Bangorejo Police Chief, AKP Mujiono confirmed that there was a commotion on the entertainment stage which took place in the field of Sambirejo Village, Bangorejo District, the.

Information received by Banyuwangihits, The commotion involved local village youths and members of the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood silat school (PSHT).

"However, TNI and Polri officers immediately intervened several people who were making a fuss at the orchestra performance,said Mujiono.

“No casualties, there are some people who have minor and serious injuries. And it involves one of the PSHT community martial arts colleges and there are also people who are injured,"said Mujiono.

Police confirm, PSHT members who suffered injuries not as a result of a sharp weapon, but get hit.

“Those who are injured, immediately rushed to the Arrohmah Jajag Hospital, Gambiran District," he explained.

After the incident, a number of parties, starting from the village head of Sambirejo, Head of PSHT and Polresta Banyuwangi, mediate at Bangorejo Police Headquarters.

After mediation, officers immediately carried out joint patrols in the Sambirejo Village area, to guard against unwanted things.

“During the round patrol, everything went safely and conducive,"Said Bangorejo Police Chief, AKP Mujiono.

Chairman of PSHT Banyuwangi Branch, Mas Lilik confirmed that there were PSHT members who were injured in the riot.

“But it's not true if the information that develops, some are held hostage even to death,” he said.

“With this incident, We invite PSHT's younger siblings to maintain regional conduciveness in Sambirejo and Banyuwangi villages,Lilik added.

Lilik asks his members and all parties not to exaggerate the information about the commotion. Because it can confuse the situation and cause friction in society.

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