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Hit the Daihatsu Taruna in Karetan Village, Banyuwangi, Italian foreigner dies at crime scene: Child Victim of Serious Injury, Yamaha Nmax motorbike seriously damaged

Hit the Daihatsu Taruna in Karetan Village, Banyuwangi, Italian foreigner dies at crime scene: Child Victim of Serious Injury, Yamaha Nmax motorbike seriously damaged
Register your email to Subscribe to news delivered directly to your mailbox – A Foreign Citizen (DO) Italian nationality, Fabrizio Panizzolo, 60, tewas dalam tabrakan di jalan raya Dusun Sidodadi, Karetan Village, Purwoharjo District, precisely in front of the Al Mubarokah Mosque on Tuesday (18/6), around 09.00.

When it happened, the victim was riding a Yamaha NMax motorbike with the plate number DK 3903 FCL with her child with the initials AP, 10, residents of Sumberasri Village, Purwoharjo District, suffered quite serious injuries to the head. “Korban tabrakan dengan mobil, her child was seriously injured,said the Purwoharjo Police Chief, Inspector Edy Wahono.

From a number of witnesses at the scene, the accident that occurred around 09.00, It started when Fabrizio Panizzolo was riding a motorbike with his son AP, drove from the north.

Sampainya di lokasi kejadian, tepatnya di depan Masjid Al Mubarokah Dusun Sidodadi, Karetan Village, From the south a Daihatsu Taruna DK car appeared 1466 DG was being driven by Suwardi, 55, residents of Karetan Village, Purwoharjo District. “Mobil ini tiba-tiba oleng ke kanan dan hingga melebihi marka jalan," he explained.

Along with it, it's clear, From the north a Yamaha N Max motorbike was riding, which was ridden by a foreigner from Italy and his child. The Daihatsu Taruna car immediately hit the victim's motorbike. “The distance is close, finally collided with muzzle fighting," he said.

In that collision, still said the police chief, The victim and her child were thrown and fell onto the asphalt road and suffered serious head injuries. Fabrizio Panizzolo died at the scene, Meanwhile, his son AP suffered serious head injuries and was rushed to hospital.


MENINGGAL: Anggota Unit Lantas Polsek Muncar melakukan olah TKP di lokasi kecelakaan yang menyebabkan WNA tewas di jalan raya Dusun Sidodadi, Karetan Village, Kecamatan Purwoharjo Selasa (18/6). (Edi)

“Ayahnya meninggal dunia, anaknya kritis dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Bhakti Husada Krikilan,” cetus Kanit lantas Polsek Muncar, Ipda Gatot Dwi Handoko yang ikut melakukan evakuasi di lokasi kejadian.

Polisi pun langsung melakukan identifikasi di lokasi kejadian, dan mengamankan dua kendaraan yang terlibat kecelakaan adu moncong tersebut. “Untuk saat ini sopir mobil masih kami mintai keterangan,” tandas Ipda Gatot.(yes/no)