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PLN Cable Reel Burnt

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PESANGGARAN-PLN's medium voltage twisted insulated cable (MVTIC) with a length of approx 250 meters prepared for channel at PT BSI gold mine, burnt out, Tuesday morning (7/2). The cable that is on the side of the road Dusun Silirbaru, Sumberagung Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, it is strongly suspected that it was deliberately burned.

“I know the wires are on fire,"said Hartono, local RT head. Hartono said that no one knew about the burning cable reel. Everyone knew there was a cable fire in the morning. “Maybe night (burnt), but i don't know at all," he said.

Pj. Sumberagung Village Head, Suryanto, admitted that he did not know for sure about the burning cable reel. It is just, he predicted it would happen in the early hours of the morning. "I came home from work at 02.00 in the morning nothing,he explained.

About the possibility of intentional burning, Suryanto admitted that it was not his authority. But if the cable is indeed burned, he was sure the culprit was from outside Silirbaru Hamlet, Sumberagung Village. Indication, Currently, there are a lot of activity equipment placed around people's homes with a greater value, stay safe without any disturbance.

“If it was the people here who did, why the cable, the vehicle is all safe,he explained. Meanwhile, PLN Rayon Jajag petugas officer, Made Sujana, said the length of the burnt cable was approx 250 meters with a value of Rp 87, 5 million to Rp 100 million per roll.

“The incident of the burning cable did not cause any disturbance,He said. Goverment & Permiting Relation Manager PT BSI, Yunizar Imamsyah, when confirmed during the socialization of the cabling refused to comment. "Later, through Mr. Bambang, okay?, this is one door,He said.

Pesanggaran Police Chief, AKP Sudarsono, declined to comment on the burning cable reel. "The burnt cable is indeed there, but to provide information on the authority of the police, handling at PT BSI the authority of the Banyuwangi Police," he said. (radar)

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