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Darken Car Rental, This Man Was Arrested by Police

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BANYUWANGI – Even though I never felt the gap of the Penitentiary, apparently did not make Apri Tias Dewanto, (28), resident of Housing Griya Giri Mulya Block X-03 tired of breaking the law. This time he embezzled the rental car he rented from Sigit, Purwoharjo residents.

This man was arrested by the Banyuwangi Police Resmob team at his wife's house in Jember. The arrest took place without difficulty. He was immediately herded to the Banyuwangi Police to undergo examination. After undergoing an examination, Apri was immediately made a suspect and thrown into the Banyuwangi Police detention center.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banyuwangi Police AKP Panji Pratista Wijaya stated, The suspect's modus operandi was by renting a rental car. Then the car was mortgaged.

“Because the vehicle was never returned, the vehicle owner finally reported it,” said Police Academy graduate of the Year Police 2007 this.

For his actions, The suspect is charged with Article 378 about fraud sub article 372 Criminal Code on embezzlement. The police have secured evidence in the form of the BPKB of the Isuzu Elf vehicle that the suspect embezzled.

It is suspected that several rental vehicles were rented and then embezzled by the suspect. This case had to be reported to the police because Apri had been irresponsible and had even disappeared. “As far as I know there may be 3 darkened car,” said a source whose name declined to be named.

Based on information, Apri had previously had dealings with the police. Previously he had been prosecuted at the Kalipuro Police. At that time he was charged with the article 2 verse (1) and (2) Law No 12 year 1951 sub article 335 verse (1) Criminal Code for getting angry while carrying a sword.