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Education about Disasters for Children, BPBD Banyuwangi Introduces Si Bona Program

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Journalist Report East Java Tribune Network, Aflahul Abidin

TRIBUNJATIMTIMUR.COM, BANYUWANGI – Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Banyuwangi Regency now has the Disaster Resilient Boy program, aka Si Bona.

Through that program, BPBD educates school age children in Banyuwangi to understand disasters. Starting from education to the process of self-evacuation when a disaster occurs.

Plt Kelaksa BPBD Banyuwangi Regency Mujito explained, The Si Bona program has been inaugurated and will start at the beginning 2023. The target is elementary school students (SD) until high school (senior High School).

“Through this program, We hope that children can identify the disasters that lurk in the area where they live,” Kata Mujito, Thursday (29/12/2022).

BPBD uses a regional approach in the Si Bona program. So, The disaster knowledge given to children is not just general. His party also adjusts to the risk of disasters in the area where the children live.

Disaster Risk Assessment (FIREPLACE) compiled by BPBD noted, as much 16 The risk of natural disasters exists in Banyuwangi. Each region has different threats from other regions.

By providing basic guidance on disaster management, Mujito hopes that the risk of children becoming victims during a disaster can be minimized.

“Our hope is that children will know what they should do when a disaster occurs. They are able to protect themselves and may help with mitigation,” he continued.

Lewat program Si Bona, BPBD also helps develop disaster evacuation routes at target schools.

According to him, the existence of evacuation routes makes it easier for children to save themselves when a disaster strikes.

After there is an evacuation route, Children also take part in disaster simulations. From there they are trained to respond to all forms of natural disasters.

At an early stage, The Si Bona program will target schools with high disaster risk. For example, schools in the area around Mount Raung and the coast.

Apart from going to school, BPBD will also invite educational institutions to learn about disasters in the disaster education room at the BPBD office.

Over there, Students can see directly the portrait of disaster in Banyuwangi as well as BPBD's disaster tools.

Not only that, BPBD is also collaborating with the education department to add learning material about disasters.

“Hopefully through this program, the risks of disaster impacts can be reduced. Both the risk of victims and others. Besides that, We also hope that disaster management can be broader and touch various elements,” Mujito said
