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Dump truck wrecked by train Wijaya Kusuma in Mojokerto

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Train accidents at unbarred crossings occur again. After Lumajang and Lamongan, Now a similar incident is happening in Mojokerto.

Large dump truck number N 9533 UV was hit by the Wijaya Kusuma train at the Damarsi Hamlet crossing, Kepuhanyar Village, Mojoanyar, Mojokerto. The maid and truck driver still had time to save themselves.

Damarsi crossing guard, M Ridwan (31) say, The accident occurred at around 1 p.m 18.00 WIB. According to him, dump truck number N 9533 UV goes from north to south or from the direction of Mojokerto City towards Bangsal District.



The unladen truck driven by Sukirman (51) This suddenly broke down at the Damarsi crossing. Together with the kernel, driver from Kunjorowesi Village, House, Mojokerto rushed to seek help.

Dump truck hit by KA Wijaya Kusuma in Mojokerto (Photo: Enggran Eko Budianto)

“Truk dari utara, broke down in the middle of the rail. From the east there is the train, the distance is approx 30 minute,” terangnya kepada wartawan di lokasi, Wednesday (22/11/2023).

Ridwan explained that the dump truck that broke down was towed using a molen truck number H 1580 WE who coincidentally will also pass through the Damarsi crossing. However, The ropes tied to both trucks broke.

no doubt, The position of the dump truck cabin remains in the middle of the Damarsi crossing. A moment later, The Wijaya Kusuma train is traveling towards Banyuwangi-Cilacap from the east or from Surabaya.

Instantly the right side of the truck cabin was destroyed after being hit by the train locomotive. The front of the truck cab was also quite badly damaged. Lucky when hit by a train, The truck driver and attendant managed to save themselves.

“Tidak ada korban, the driver and assistant were outside the truck,he explained.

When confirmed detikJatim at location, sopir truk dump, Sukirman memilih irit bicara. Ia sebatas menyebut dalam perjalanan pulang setelah mengirim sirtu di wilayah Jetis, Mojokerto Regency. “(Penyebab mogok?) Jembernya macet,” cetusnya sambil berlalu karena diamankan polisi.

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