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Reprimanded and even brandished the Samurai

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DITAHAN: Muhaimin was taken to the Tegaldlimo Police investigator's room yesterday (14/4).

TEGALDLIMO – Muhaimin is doing something wrong, 29. Because he was offended when he was warned to turn off his motorbike engine when asking a group of young people, He immediately went crazy and brandished a sharp weapon (fair) samurai type.

The result is predictable, a man from Kaliagung Village, Kendalrejo Village, Tegaldlimo . District, This has to be dealt with by the authorities.

Information obtained, Muhaimin's action took place at around 1:00 p.m 21.30 last Thursday (12/4). At that time, he was walking down the street on a motorbike looking for his fallen wallet.

Arriving at the crossroads in Songo Village, Kedungwungu village, Tegaldlimo . District, He found a group of young people hanging out on the side of the road. The man who works as a farm laborer every day, decided to ask whether the group of young men.

He asked, Does anyone know where his wallet is?. Because he did not hear Muhaimin's words clearly, The young men then told him to turn off the engine of the motorbike he was riding.

I don't know what demon possessed his mind, Muhaimin suddenly became emotional. Immediately, he got off the motorbike and took a samurai blade which was stored in the seat of his motorbike. Sajam throughout 50 centimeter (cm) was then raised to the young men in front of him.

Found that, The young men ran away. They run away to avoid unwanted things. Meanwhile, A young man took the initiative to report Muhaimin's actions to Tegaldlimo Police Headquarters officers who happened to be on patrol.

Until finally, The officers succeeded in arresting Muhaimin who was passing at the intersection at Sumberrejo Hamlet, Tegaldlimo Village/District. Initially Muhaimin was adamant in denying accusations that he was carrying a sharp weapon in a public place. But he couldn't escape when officers found the samurai in the seat of his motorbike.

Without much ado, The officers immediately took the man to the local police headquarters. Confirmed yesterday (15/4), Tegaldlimo Police Chief AKP Jaenur Holiq, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Aipda Karyadi, confirmed that his party had arrested a suspect who was caught carrying a knife in a public place without having permission..

"Suspect (Muhaimin) we secured it at the Police Headquarters (Tegaldlimo) to undergo the investigation process. Besides that, we also secure BB (evidence) in the form of a samurai and a white Yamaha Crypton motorbike with registration number P 5214 ZD belongs to the suspect," he said. Aipda Karyadi added, Muhaimin was charged with Article 2 verse (1) Emergency Law Number 12 Year 1951. “The maximum penalty is ten years in prison," he concluded.(radar)

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