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Struck by lightning, Jogo Tirto's house burned down

struck by lightning,-jogo-tirto's-house is on fire
Struck by lightning, Jogo Tirto's house burned down
Register your email to Subscribe to news delivered directly to your mailbox – A fire broke out at a house in Blangkon Hamlet, Kebaman Village, Srono District on Saturday (3/2) afternoon.

Sugito's house, 62, one of the Jogotirtos in the village caught fire. Before the house burned down, was struck by lightning.

When this house burns down, the owner is away. The first person to notice the fire, The Jihan, one of the neighbors saw a cloud of smoke shortly after the lightning struck.

“There were residents who saw smoke coming from inside Sugito's house," said the Head of Blangkon Hamlet, Kebaman Village, Sugiyanto, yesterday (4/2).

Saw a fire, light him, Mrs Jihan shouted for help.

A number of residents immediately came and helped put out the fire with whatever equipment they could.

Among the residents, someone called the fire brigade (firefighter).

“Because the fire was big and burned the whole house, someone called the fire brigade," he explained.

around 14.30 or one hour after the fire occurred, it's clear, A team of Srono Sector Fire Department arrived at the location and immediately started extinguishing it.


DEVOTIVE WORK: Residents help clean the furniture in Sugito's house in Blangkon Hamlet, Kebaman Village, Srono District on Saturday (3/2) sore. (Sugiyanto for Raba)

“The fire was quite under control when we arrived, and we need time 30 minutes for blackout," said the Srono Sector Fire Coordinator, Hery Siswanto.

Based on the results of the examination, it's clear, The house fire was thought to be caused by an electrical short circuit triggered by a lightning strike.

"It was raining when the incident happened, Residents said they were struck by lightning, maybe an electrical short circuit," he said.

This fire, he continued, not causing any fatalities.

However, the middle of the house and rooms were burnt down, including all the furniture.

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Page 3 – A fire broke out at a house in Blangkon Hamlet, Kebaman Village, Srono District on Saturday (3/2) afternoon.

Sugito's house, 62, one of the Jogotirtos in the village caught fire. Before the house burned down, was struck by lightning.

When this house burns down, the owner is away. The first person to notice the fire, The Jihan, one of the neighbors saw a cloud of smoke shortly after the lightning struck.

“There were residents who saw smoke coming from inside Sugito's house," said the Head of Blangkon Hamlet, Kebaman Village, Sugiyanto, yesterday (4/2).

Saw a fire, light him, Mrs Jihan shouted for help.

A number of residents immediately came and helped put out the fire with whatever equipment they could.

Among the residents, someone called the fire brigade (firefighter).

“Because the fire was big and burned the whole house, someone called the fire brigade," he explained.

around 14.30 or one hour after the fire occurred, it's clear, A team of Srono Sector Fire Department arrived at the location and immediately started extinguishing it.


DEVOTIVE WORK: Residents help clean the furniture in Sugito's house in Blangkon Hamlet, Kebaman Village, Srono District on Saturday (3/2) sore. (Sugiyanto for Raba)

“The fire was quite under control when we arrived, and we need time 30 minutes for blackout," said the Srono Sector Fire Coordinator, Hery Siswanto.

Based on the results of the examination, it's clear, The house fire was thought to be caused by an electrical short circuit triggered by a lightning strike.

"It was raining when the incident happened, Residents said they were struck by lightning, maybe an electrical short circuit," he said.

This fire, he continued, not causing any fatalities.

However, the middle of the house and rooms were burnt down, including all the furniture.