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Equipped with Renewable Energy Tourism, PLN Will Build Wind Power Plant in Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI – BUMN PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) alias PLN will build a wind power plant (wind) or PLTB with a capacity of 50 megawatt (MW) in Banyuwangi Regency.

Reported from, This PLTB will be the first large-scale wind power plant on the island of Java.

General Manager of PT PLN Distribution East Java Bob Saril said:, The PLTB, which is located in Wongsorejo District, will span the Bali Strait connecting the islands of Java and Bali.

"This will be the first and largest PLTB on the island of Java". Targeted to operate on 2023. We have done a feasibility study (feasibility study) since 2019," said Bob when contacted, Monday (24/2/2020).

According to Bob, One of the reasons for the construction of the PLTB in Banyuwangi, precisely in Wongsorejo, is because at that location the wind gusts are quite strong.

Based on research, at that location there is a kind of wind tunnel that has good strength as a driving force for power generation.

"This PLTB will supply electricity to Banyuwangi and Bali Regencies". With capacity 50 Megawatts can supply electricity to 50 thousands of customers,” he added.

Bob added, the process towards development has started. In March, the process will begin with a feasibility study of wind strength by erecting piles.

“The plan, in March we will test the strength of the wind through the piles that we will build first,”Kata Bob.

In addition to building PLTB, kata Bob, Later in the area, an environmentally friendly energy education center will also be built. There are educational tours about environmentally friendly energy lifestyles for tourists.

"The construction of this PLTB departs from the awareness to optimize new, environmentally friendly renewable energy. Now this education center will be here to educate the public about these things.,”Kata Bob.

Bob admitted that the idea of ​​adding educational tourism facilities was inspired by the policy of the Banyuwangi Regency Government regarding the construction of buildings. For example, Banyuwangi Airport that is uniquely designed and green, then the PT INKA train factory also adopts local architecture and is equipped with a museum.

"What's interesting about this policy in Banyuwangi is that new buildings are always associated with tourism. Including PLTB, we say there will be a kind of museum, there is a building, there is a mockup, films to research on ecogreen,' explained Bob.

"We can also make energy-efficient home installations that inspire visitors". This at the same time supports Banyuwangi tourism," he said.

Meanwhile, Banyuwangi Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas added, The development of new and renewable energy is expected to boost the local economy.

"In addition to supplying electricity for the community and the business world", At the same time, it can become a new tourist destination,"said Regent Anas.

"This step by PLN is also part of the success of President Jokowi's electricity program to continue to increase supply so that the economy continues to thrive."," he concluded.