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Considered a Thief, Battered and Beaten by the Crowd

Cuffed: Deni suffered bleeding from his face as a result of being beaten by residents of Bedewang Village, Songgon District.
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Cuffed: Deni suffered bleeding from his face as a result of being beaten by residents of Bedewang Village, Songgon District.

Battered by the mob

SONGGON – A battered middle-aged man was beaten by residents of Krajan Hamlet, Bedewang Village, Songgon District. Residents think the man is from Bangunsari Village, Songgon District, was about to steal a motorbike. Information gathered by this newspaper states, Initially Deni and two of his friends rode motorbikes. Then, The two-wheeled vehicle was parked near a field where there happened to be a football match.

A moment later, the three of them spread out. Nah, It turned out that one of them was caught entering a resident's house. At that time, The man known as Deni was seen sitting on top of the vehicle. Lucky, one of the residents saw the man's bad behavior. At that moment, The residents immediately shouted thief. Hearing that scream, Residents immediately arrived and tried to look for the perpetrator who had escaped.

The residents' efforts to catch the perpetrators were successful. Based on physical characteristics, The perpetrator was in a shop located far away 700 meters from the field. Because of suspicion, Residents immediately arrested a group and took the perpetrators to the house of the local village head. ‘’Pak, The thief has been found,said the Head of Bedewang Village, And Salim, to Java Post Radar Banyuwangi, yesterday.

When secured, he said, The man insisted that he had not committed a crime. He was only friends with several people who rode motorbikes with him. "He doesn't want to admit it. The others ran away," he explained. Agus Salim said, in the last few days, Many residents have lost their motorbikes. Because of that, Residents were very emotional when there was information that a thief had been caught. “Three days before, many motorbikes disappeared,'' He said.

Songgon Police Chief AKP Ali Ashari said, The man was immediately taken to the Banyuwangi Police. “That evening he was also taken to the police station. Please ask the police. If I'm not mistaken his name is Deni,"he said. Kanitreskrim Songgon Police Aipda IGM Kodana explained, the man is not a thief. ''Wrong assumption. Confused people are considered stealing. Starting last night he was sent home,Kodana explained. (radar)