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Under the PCNU character Choirul Sholeh, Exist 7 Name from Banyuwangi Enters Management, Following is the complete list of names

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Under the PCNU character Choirul Sholeh, Exist 7 Name from Banyuwangi Enters Management, Following is the complete list of names – After several months of hiatus, now the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Manager (PCNU) Banyuwangi will soon be active again.

The vacuum occurred because the management of Banyuwangi PCNU under KH Ali Makki Zaini had not been extended since 3 January 2024 then.

Since there are no more extensions, The management of PCNU Banyuwangi is carried out by appointing a character.

Sunday afternoon (17/3) Decision Letter (SK) Karteker was shown to MWCNU administrators in the PCNU Banyuwangi office hall during a friendly event.

The event was also attended by all PCNU Banyuwangi officials who will start working to replace the previous management.

MWC attendees are also required to sign an integrity pact.

Before starting work, Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) handed over the decree symbolically to the PCNU Banyuwangi karteker management.

The reading of the decree was carried out by PBNU representative Sidrotun Naim.

PBNU officially announced to the public the management of the Banyuwangi Regency PCNU character.

This is stated in PBNU Decree Number 311/PB.01/A. II.01.45/99/03/2024.

In a letter dated 28 Shaban 1445/9 March 2024 it appointed KH Athoillah Sholahuddin Anwar and KH Abdul Latif Malik as Rais Syuriyah and Katib Syuriyah.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Tanfidziyah and Secretary are H Choirul Sholeh Rasyid and Sidrotun Naim.

"We convey this to all MWCNU administrators throughout Banyuwangi Regency and all Nahdliyin residents, that organizational steps have been taken by PBNU to resolve the problems at NU Banyuwangi,” said Choirul Saleh Rasyid at the PCNU Banyuwangi office.

There is something interesting in the consideration of the Karteker Decree. In point b it is mentioned, Karteker's consideration is that PCNU Banyuwangi is experiencing complicated problems due to management disharmony.

So that, This led to several association decisions that violated the Nahdlatul Ulama Association Regulations.

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Information obtained Java Post Radar Banyuwangi mention, there are some MWC administrators and dozens of branches who do not have a decree.

This condition has caused disharmony within the ranks of the PCNU management.

Not to mention the alleged forgery of the PCNU Katib Syuriyah's signature, which has caused very crucial problems.

Who are the names included in the management of the Banyuwangi PCNU character?? There are seven names from Banyuwangi who are members of the management.

They are Ayum Dja'far Azis, Anwar Rofiq, Ahmad Shodiq, Moh. Karyono, Fata Zamroni, Mahbub Junaidi, and Habib Sirojul Munir. The remaining seven names are from PBNU.

"My name is included as a member. I am ready to carry out this task for the greatness of NU. Hopefully in the future PCNU Banyuwangi will be more solid and its presence will be useful for the people,said Karyono, one of the karteker members.

PCNU character Choirul Sholeh (Ramada Kusuma)

Furthermore, Chairman of Tanfidziyah Choirul Sholeh Rasyid explained, making the decision to hire PCNU Banyuwangi to return to running the organization.

Previously, since 5 July 2023, PCNU Banyuwangi 2018-2023 has expired. However, on its way, tidak bisa dilakukan konferensi cabang.

PBNU telah melakukan perpanjangan masa khidmat hingga dua kali. But, sampai perpanjangan habis, juga belum bisa dilakukan konferensi.

Dari perkembangan tersebut, dalam rapat gabungan syuriyah dan tanfidziyah PBNU tertanggal 19 Shaban 1445/29 February 2024, diputuskan untuk dilakukan karteker.

”Keputusan ini diambil semata demi organisasi. Tidak ada motif lainnya,” tegas Choirul.

Choirul menambahkan, tugas dari kepengurusan karteker ini adalah melakukan penataan organisasi hingga bisa melaksanakan konferensi cabang sebagaimana diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga (AD/ART) Nahdlatul Ulama.

”Kami ditugaskan selama tiga bulan ke depan untuk menyiapkan konferensi," he said.

Choirul berharap agar kepengurusan karteker PCNU Banyuwangi bisa menjalankan tugas sebaik-baiknya.

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