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Extreme Weather, Blimbingsari Beach Visitors Decline

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ROGOJAMPI – Extreme weather is still occurring on a number of coasts in the Banyuwangi Regency area. Big winds and high waves are quite disturbing to visitors to Blimbingsari Beach, Rogojampi Kecamatan District, yesterday (28/7). Now none of the fishermen at the culinary center dare to go to sea.

“The waves are quite big. It is very dangerous if you dare to go to sea looking for fish,” said Fathurrahman, 34, one of the fishermen in Blimbingsari Village, Rogojampi Kecamatan District. Those fishermen who don't go to sea, light him, park all the boats on the beach. Even, a number of fishermen lifted their boats ashore.

“If it's not parked on land, the boat can be swept away by the waves and damaged,He said. The high waves apparently also affect visitors to Blimbingsari Beach, which is famous for its grilled fish culinary delights. Residents who usually play a lot on the beach have not been seen in recent days.

“Visitors are decreasing. Stall owners are also worried that fish stocks are running low,he explained. Because there are few visitors, it's clear, The income of a number of grilled fish traders at Blimbingsari Beach has decreased compared to normal days.

“Sales of grilled fish are sluggish, because the weather is not friendly. Many visitors who come immediately leave after seeing the high waves,said Siti, 52, one of the grilled fish sellers. If the weather is normal, Siti admitted that she could sell grilled fish up to 30 kilogram. But, because there are few visitors, within a day the grilled fish only sells 10 kilogram.

"The ups and downs are normal. One day there will be many more,He said. Meanwhile, Heavy rain is predicted to continue to occur in the Banyuwangi area in the next few days. Almost every day, good morning, afternoon, or afternoon, even night, It is predicted that rain will continue to fall in various areas in Banyuwangi.

Based on forecast data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), The air temperature in Banyuwangi today is predicted to be 24-30° Celsius. Of course, the maximum temperature only reaches 30° Celsius, which means the air temperature in Banyuwangi is cooler than usual. Because, Normally the maximum temperature in Banyuwangi can reach 31-32° Celsius.

Banyuwangi BMKG forecaster, Yustoto Windiarto, said that currently the Banyuwangi region is still entering the dry season. However, because there is the La Lina phenomenon, Cloud growth in the Banyuwangi area is still quite high. The high level of cloud formation in the sky triggers rain in the Blambangan Earth region.

"The La Nina phenomenon is the flow of water vapor from the Pacific Ocean towards Indonesian territory,Yustoto said. Besides that, The waters in East Java are still warm (East Java) It also triggers evaporation which can give rise to rain clouds.

He predicts that conditions like this will continue for the next few months. It means, if the sea surface temperature in East Java is still warm and the La Lina phenomenon is still occurring, the rain will continue.

"The dry season this year is not really felt by the people of Banyuwangi. Rain will still occur for the next few months," he stressed. Regarding the time of rain that occurs in Banyuwangi, according to Yustoto, cannot be the same from one region to another. Rain could occur in the morning, afternoon, and afternoon, even at night. Rain intensity also varies. This depends on the growth of clouds in an area where it rains.

"The intensity of the rain is light, currently, until it becomes unevenly dense, still has the potential to happen,he explained. With still high rainfall in Banyuwangi, BMKG urges coastal communities to be aware of sea waves. In the South Sea the wave height reaches two meters. (radar)