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Bulog Banyuwangi Immediately Market Sachet Packaged Rice

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BANYUWANGI – Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) Banyuwangi will market premium quality rice in mini packages or sachets in its area.

This sachet packaged rice will be launched to provide choices to the public in shopping for rice. It is estimated that the sachet rice will begin to be marketed this month.

Head of Bulog Banyuwangi David Susanto said, This premium rice in sachet packaging is a new breakthrough for Bulog to provide rice for residents according to their abilities and needs. This rice sachet will be launched with a packaging variant 250 gram. “The price is around Rp 2.500 per sachet,he said Friday (13/7/2018).

According to him, the price set for the sachet rice is still lower than the highest retail price (THE) premium rice which reaches Rp. 12.800. Nevertheless, said David, This product is not only for certain circles, but for all levels of society who are currently leading to a practical culture.

At the moment, he continued, The sachet rice has not yet arrived in Banyuwangi. However, his party has received notification from the central Bulog regarding the plan to send the rice sachets. He said that for the initial stage Bulog Banyuwangi would get a drop around 7 until 8 thousand tons of premium rice in sachet packaging.

"The possibility in this month has come,he explained.

David Susanto added, Sachet packaged rice is seen as being able to meet people's needs so that it is easier for people to buy rice. For people with low incomes, they can buy a pound. At present the existing retail is usually minimal 1 kilogram.

"With this it's easier, people who only have Rp 2.500 can buy rice," he said.

On the other hand, many people are currently not only consuming rice but in combination with other foods. So that for people like this, it is enough to buy rice that is only cooked once. With this size sachet packaging, it can make it easier for the community.

The distribution of this rice sachet will be carried out in all traditional markets and shops in Banyuwangi. "We will spread it to all markets and small stalls in Banyuwangi so that it can be reached by all people,He said.

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