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Overnight at Resident's House, Inaugurate Remote Village Internet

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For two days tomorrow, Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas' government activities will be centered in Pesanggaran District. During those two days, The number one person in the ranks of the Banyuwangi Regency Government will hold various activities until the evening. What are the activities?? On the first day (22/5), Regent Anas will attend the event held by the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) at the Sumber Mulyo Village Hall, Kecamatan Pesanggaran. In that activity, Regent Anas together with the ranks of the Regional Leadership Forum (Forpimda) will meet with the heads of RT and RW in Pesanggaran District and Siliragung District.

Apart from meeting with the RT and RW heads, Regent Anas will also meet face to face with all village heads, former village head, principal, study teacher, LSM, Babinsa, and Babinkamtibmas. Leader of a political party (political party) sub-district and branch levels, DPRD members come from electoral districts (electoral district), teachers are not permanent (GTT) benefit recipients, Community leaders and interfaith figures were also invited to the grand dialogue. "The regional government will ask for input and suggestions from the heads of RT and RW in Pesanggaran and Siliragung sub-districts,said the Head of Bakesbangpol, Wiyono.

After holding a dialogue, Regent Anas will continue the event to Red Island. There, The number one person in the ranks of the Banyuwangi Regency Government will visit poor residents around Pulau Merah. During that visit, Donations will be provided to around orphans, old widows and poor people. “After visiting poor residents, The regent will hold a closed meeting with 50 kiai at the Buluagung Islamic Boarding School,said Wiyono.

In the night, Regent Anas together with his staff has several activity agendas. Among them, holding congregational mahgrib prayers with residents. After holding prayers, Regent Anas will meet face to face and chat casually with local village residents. "The regent will rest at the house of one of the residents,said the Head of Public Relations and Protocol, Personal Fight. During a visit to Sarongan Village, Kecamatan Pesanggaran, Regent Anas will inaugurate the emergency health center and internet house.

The internet house that will be inaugurated is the result of self-help from the local village community. While on the second day (23/5), Regent Anas and his entourage will release the ukik on Rajegwesi beach and hold joint gymnastics at Sungailembu Plantation. In the afternoon, Regent Anas will be the supervisor of the national roll call ceremony for all youth organizations- Banyuwangi at Tegalagung field, Siliragung Village, Siliragung District. (radar)

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