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Special Flavor, The fragrance lasts two weeks

FRAGRANCE: One of the tuberose flower beds in Penataban Village, Giri . District, Banyuwangi.
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FRAGRANCE: One of the tuberose flower beds in Penataban Village, Giri . District, Banyuwangi.

Penataban Village, Giri . District, has great potential for developing the cultivation of naturally delicious flowers. Dear, This potential has not been exploited optimally. A.F. ICHSAN RASYID, Turns

Tuberose flowers planted by a number of farmers in Penataban Village, Giri . District, Banyuwangi, has a distinctive aroma compared to tuberose from other regions. Apart from its distinctive aroma, Tuberose flowers from Penataban can last up to two weeks. Another advantage, the aroma is already fragrant even though the sun has not yet set.

Tuberose flowers from other areas only smell when it's dark. “Good night from Penataban, at three in the afternoon the aroma had spread," explained the Head of Giri Subdistrict, Agni. Tuberose flowers from Penataban are very different from tuberose flowers from other regions. Apart from the aroma, The physical form is also different from tuberose flowers from Bogor or Pasuruan flower centers. If it's delicious from other areas, At the end of the flower stalk there is a reddish color.

Tuberose flowers from Giri, At the end of the flower stalk, the flowers are one hundred percent green until they bloom. Interesting, Tuberose flowers from Giri have their own uniqueness. One of the unique things, if planted outside Penataban Village land, the aroma changes 100 percent. even though, The seeds are taken from tuberose flowers planted in Penataban. The aroma will return to its original state, when the flower is planted in Penataban land.

"Even though the nursery is carried out outside Penataban, but planted again in Petanaban, the aroma will return again," explained one of the farmers, Muhsin. Another variety of tuberose flowers if planted in Penataban, the aroma remains unchanged. At the moment, apart from cultivating local tuberose flowers, Penataban farmers also develop tuberose flowers from Bangil and Bogor. “The aroma does not change at all from the area of ​​origin,said one of the field extension officers (PPL) Giri . District, Amen.

Beautiful flowers on Penataban night, never mind planted outside the district, Just moving it between villages, the aroma immediately changes. Penataban's sweet night flower first grew during the reign of the Dutch, precisely in the year 1933. The flower did not grow suddenly but through a ritual process by a local village elder named Mbah Rafie. The story, in the year 1933 after performing morning prayers at his accommodation, Mbah Rafie got wangsit. During morning prayers, Mbah Rafie got one tuber.

In his imagination, Mbah Rafie was asked to plant one of the tubers in the Penataban Village land. “Stories of the elders, Mbah Rafie is not allowed to plant the tubers outside Penataban Village,"said the Head of Agni Subdistrict. After the tubers are planted, the delicious flowers came out that night. To date, Mbah Rafie's descendants perpetuate the planting of tuberose flowers. Apart from Mbah Rafie's descendants, Now other residents are also starting to be interested in planting tuberose flowers.

At the moment, The area of ​​productive tuberose flower plants reaches two hectares. The two hectares are capable of producing 17 thousand cigarettes every year. So far, consumption of tuberose flowers has been completely absorbed by the local market. "We have not marketed the flowers outside the region, because production is still limited,said Agni. To develop production, The Giri District is currently making a breakthrough to obtain a patent from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The original Penataban good night flower will be proposed to get a patent with the name "Sayu Atika" good night flower . At the moment, The process of obtaining the patent has reached the laboratory testing process in Malang. If laboratory tests are completed, then Giri District will propose a patent. If you already have a patent, Farmers will find it easy to market these flowers. So far, The marketing of tuberose flowers from Petaban is hampered by patent rights. “In terms of quality, our interest is no less.

Year 2010 then we won two levels in East Java,He said. To introduce the flower, Giri District sent the flowers to 20 SKPD within the Banyuwangi Regency Government. One of the flower's regular customers is the office of Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas. Every Monday, Regent Anas' office always has a supply of "Sayu Atika" tuberose flowers .

"Once a week 20 We supply each SKPD 10 stalk with its accessory flowers," he explained. A room decorated with tuberose flowers will be fresher. Because, The aroma of tuberous flowers is natural and makes the room always fresh. "Especially, if exposed to AC, the aroma spreads to all corners of the room," he concluded. (radar)

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