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Various Benefits of Being Indonesian Workers (TKI) abroad

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Based on the results of research conducted by the World Bank in 2016, the amount of money sent to Indonesia by Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) abroad reach 118 trillion rupiah.

How not? Until the year 2017 The number of migrant workers abroad has reached 9 million people (According to World Bank research) spread over several countries, among others Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Arab Saudi, China, and so on.

Of the various reasons behind the migrant workers working abroad, economic factors are the most frequently used reasons that make them want to work abroad as domestic helpers or factory workers..

There are many interesting stories that make them feel at home for years in other countries and leave their families at home.

Here are five facts related to the benefits of working overseas for Indonesian migrant workers.

1. Earning the Least Income 3 Multiply the UMR for the Region of Origin

The opportunity to become a TKI abroad has received high attention and interest from the Indonesian people living in the area, like West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara, and others (According to BNP2TKI data research).

In addition to the problems in the recruitment and training process, those who are successful in working abroad are able to pocket at least 5 million to tens of millions of rupiah every month. This is certainly higher when compared to the income received from trading vegetables, farming, or raise livestock in your hometown.

Not to mention when they work with a good boss, they will get more pocket money commensurate with their performance. Family life is greatly helped by them becoming migrant workers abroad.

2. Improving Family Social Status in Hometown

One of the reasons why Indonesians have a high interest in becoming migrant workers abroad is because as their economic status increases, their social status will also increase..

The salary earned by being a migrant worker abroad certainly makes the family happy and proud. Families can buy various necessities from clothing to boards from remittances.

The increase in socioeconomic status in a family because one of its members becomes a migrant worker abroad raises positive attention from the people around. For those who have never been looked down upon by others, the opportunity to become a migrant worker abroad is an advantage.

3. Mastering Various New Abilities Including Foreign Languages

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Living for many years makes Indonesian migrant workers abroad adapt to the language used to communicate there. This makes them bring their abilities back to Indonesia.

Like a former TKI in North Lombok named Lina. He has worked for more than two years in Taiwan and has knowledge of Mandarin which is quite fluent.

Can speak mandarin can increase his value. On the other hand, having foreign language skills can open up new opportunities to work in private companies with higher positions after returning to Indonesia. Of course, this knowledge is obtained because of the intensity of communicating with the local residents there.

4. Cultivating the Spirit of Nationalism

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Do you know Heni Sri Sundani? Former Female Labor (TKW) who works in Hong Kong? His experience as a TKI abroad gives him motivation to advance education in Indonesia. Recently, he succeeded in establishing a library and teaching farmers' children by initiating the Smart Farmer Children's Movement.

The experience of being a TKI abroad seems to be an effective way to cultivate the spirit of nationalism.

Through the new capabilities and knowledge possessed in the country, TKI also often share their knowledge and experience to contribute to Indonesia.

5. Expanding Networking and Adding Close Friendships Emotionally

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Being a TKI who works abroad makes a feeling of sharing the same fate with other TKI. Several times during my off work, they meet each other to share stories and motivation.

This certainly has an impact on expanding the network, make more friends, and increase morale. Something advantage, able to?

Because it opens up opportunities for them to get other job offers that are very useful for improving the family's economic condition.


Currently, it has been established in Banyuwangi Regency, PT. PAMOR SAPTA DHARMA is the only official PT in Banyuwangi Regency that is equipped with a BLKLN so that it is ready to help realize your dream of becoming a migrant worker abroad.

Starting from the Learning process, Medical, Passport, PAP is all in Banyuwangi. Trust Process, Family, Provided wifi 24 jam, free to bring a mobile phone and can go home on weekends.

Those who are interested in reaching their dreams by becoming successful migrant workers just come to PT. PAMOR SAPTA DHARMA which is located at Jalan Sultan Agung Dusun Krajan 2 Tegalsari Village, Tegalsari District
Contact Person BU NEW : 082331309610

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