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Kaesang Pangarep billboard, Chairman of PSI, Attracting Community Response in Banyuwangi

Kaesang Pangarep billboard, Chairman of PSI, Attracting Community Response in Banyuwangi
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BANYUANGI, Jurnalnews – Entering the momentum of the campaign season, large billboards depicting Kaesang Pangarep, General Chair of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), are starting to appear along the streets of Banyuwangi.

Images of APKs that are close to each other can be seen in various locations in Gambiran District, Residents began to express their opinions regarding the appearance of billboards featuring President Jokowi's youngest son.

Stretches along Jalan Diponegoro to Jalan Raya Yosomulyo in Gambiran District, These towering billboards stand tall. The exact date of installation is still unclear, However, local residents claim that the billboard has been visible for about a week.

Dona Ayu Febrianti, one of the cold drink sellers near the Yosomulyo Village square, Gambiran sub-district, mengaku mengenal Kaesang hanya lewat baliho yang terpampang mencolok.

Ia mengungkapkan pemahamannya dengan mengatakan,”Sebelum saya berdagang di sini, sudah ada baliho PSI. According to me, hal itu tidak mengganggu karena ini masa kampanye. Saya paham Kaesang adalah anak Jokowi dan kini menjadi Ketua Umum PSI.” jelasnya.

Kemunculan baliho Kaesang Pangarep bergambar Ketua Umum Partai Solidaritas Indonesia mulai marak di pinggir jalan Banyuwangi. Memasuki masa kampanye, baliho-baliho yang dipajang secara mencolok, bergambar putra bungsu presiden dan bertuliskan slogan “santun santuy” (sopan dan santai), mulai menarik perhatian warga dan pengendara yang lewat.

Terlepas dari kelimpahannya dibandingkan dengan materi promosi kandidat lainnya, jarak papan reklame tersebut sangat berdekatan, with an estimated distance between each billboard of approx 200 meter. In some cases, billboards are positioned facing each other and close to each other.

Regarding the distance between campaign materials, Chairman of the General Election Supervisory Board (Supervisory Cam) Gambiran District, Ahmad Deni Dibyantoro, explained that there are no rules binding the distance between campaign materials according to General Election Commission regulations (PKPU). Regarding installation location, his party has received a copy of the guidelines from the Regional General Election Commission (KPU) Banyuwangi.

“The issue of posting campaign materials has been regulated. If it is close to other billboards, we are still waiting for guidelines, the location has been determined by the KPU. What is clear is that it is installed in a place of worship, education facility, and green open spaces are not allowed,he explained.

He stressed the need for election participants to obey the rules for posting campaign materials, in accordance with KPU Regulation Number 15 Year 2023. Termasuk aturan yang melarang penempatan bahan kampanye di fasilitas umum dan lembaga pendidikan. (Eko/Ron/JN).

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