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Anticipate Election Security and Social Security Disturbances 2024, Dozens of Banyuwangi Police NCOs Trained in Dalmas

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Anticipate Election Security and Social Security Disturbances 2024, Dozens of Banyuwangi Police NCOs Trained in Dalmas
Register your email to Subscribe to news delivered directly to your mailbox – Before the Election 2024 Banyuwangi Police received additional personnel from the East Java Regional Police.

As much 40 Teenage NCO (Baja) placed in the eastern tip of Java Island.

To increase Steel capabilities, Banyuwangi Police Samapta Unit provides crowd control training (dalmas) on the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters page, Sunday (28/1).

The Baja personnel were trained to use dalmas shields and sticks.

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"The mass control exercise aims to train the skills and alertness of personnel when dealing with situations that disrupt security and public order or kamtibmas.," said Head of Banyuwangi Police Samapta AKP Basori Alwi.

Basori said, This activity is in preparation for the elections 2024 coming.

Besides that, Training was also held in anticipation of demonstrations (unracial).

"So that personnel can be alert and responsive when facing all situations,He said.

Basori explained, The function of internal training is not only to hone personnel skills, but also as a forum to improve discipline, response, and the solidarity of the members.

"The duty of the police is of course to continue to be prepared to face all forms of disturbances to social security and order, hence human resources (HR) The National Police continues to be improved,he explained.

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Personnel capabilities, continued Basori, always sharpen it so that when carrying out tasks in the field nothing undesirable happens. Besides that, It is also useful for maintaining cohesiveness.

"A number of exercises have been routinely carried out to improve the abilities and cohesiveness of the personnel," he explained.

Source: Java Post Radar Banyuwangi

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Page 3 – Before the Election 2024 Banyuwangi Police received additional personnel from the East Java Regional Police.

As much 40 Teenage NCO (Baja) placed in the eastern tip of Java Island.

To increase Steel capabilities, Banyuwangi Police Samapta Unit provides crowd control training (dalmas) on the Banyuwangi Police Headquarters page, Sunday (28/1).

The Baja personnel were trained to use dalmas shields and sticks.

Read Also: East Java Investment Realization 2023 Translucent IDR 145.1 Trillion, Governor Khofifah: First Time In 5 Last year, Able to Exceed RPJMD and National Targets

"The mass control exercise aims to train the skills and alertness of personnel when dealing with situations that disrupt security and public order or kamtibmas.," said Head of Banyuwangi Police Samapta AKP Basori Alwi.

Basori said, This activity is in preparation for the elections 2024 coming.

Besides that, Training was also held in anticipation of demonstrations (unracial).

"So that personnel can be alert and responsive when facing all situations,He said.

Basori explained, The function of internal training is not only to hone personnel skills, but also as a forum to improve discipline, response, and the solidarity of the members.

"The duty of the police is of course to continue to be prepared to face all forms of disturbances to social security and order, hence human resources (HR) The National Police continues to be improved,he explained.

Read Also: Truck versus three motorbikes, One Victim Died on the Kembiritan Village Highway, Tile District

Personnel capabilities, continued Basori, always sharpen it so that when carrying out tasks in the field nothing undesirable happens. Besides that, It is also useful for maintaining cohesiveness.

"A number of exercises have been routinely carried out to improve the abilities and cohesiveness of the personnel," he explained.

Source: Java Post Radar Banyuwangi

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