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34 Witness for Ratna Ani Lestari

Ratna Ani Lestari
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Ratna Ani Lestari

BANYUWANGI – Kasus dugaan korupsi pengadaan lahan lapangan terbang (laptop) in Blimbingsari Village, Rogojampi Kecamatan District, opened again. Yesterday (30/4), Attorney General's Investigation Team (AGO) down to Banyuwangi to complete the case data with the suspect Ratna Ani Lestari.

The plan, The investigators from the Round Building will stay on Earth Blambangan for four days. They will check 34 witnesses who mostly come from Banyuwangi Regency Government officials. "This AGO team is down for the case of Ratna Ani Lestari" (former regent of Banyuwangi),"said the Chief Prosecutor of the State (Study) Banyuwangi, Syaiful Anwar |, at a press conference at his office yesterday.

According to Kajari Syaiful, the AGO team that went down to Banyuwangi amounted to seven people. While in Gandrung Kota, AGO team will check 34 witnesses who are considered to have knowledge of land acquisition and the construction of the Blimbingsari Lapter. “The 34 people who were examined (inspection schedule), will be divided in four days,he explained.

First day yesterday, the investigators from the AGO actually called 13 witness. But, not all can be present to provide information. Only present at the examination 11 witness. “Budi Hartono and Sugeng Siswanto were not present. I don't know where they are,said Kajari Syaiful.

From 11 witnesses who attended the Banyuwangi Kejari yesterday, many of the elements of district government officials. Call it the Head of the Department of Agriculture, Ikrori Hudanto; Head of Rogojampi, Kusyadi; Head of Division (head of) General District Government, RR Nanin Oktaviantie; Head of District Government Equipment, Henik Setyorini; and former Head of Agriculture, Ade Hidayat. "The one who made all these summons was the Attorney General's Office",Said Syaiful.

Syaiful's Kejari admitted that he did not know the material for the examination of the witnesses for the suspect Ratna. Because, The alleged corruption case of the Blimbingsari Lapter was handled directly by the Attorney General's Office.
“Material, Yes, regarding the procurement and acquisition of land for the airport. If the details, ask the Attorney General," he said laughing.

According to Kajari Syaiful, the examination of a number of witnesses carried out by the AGO team in order to perfect the data. The AGO needs additional data to process Ratna Ani Lestari's law. “Everyone who processes the AGO. Kejari is just a place,he explained.

Asked about the slow legal handling of the alleged corruption of the lapter with the suspect, the former number one person in the Banyuwangi Regency Government, Kajari Syaiful refuses to answer. "Regarding the delay in handling and the results of the BPK audit", please ask the Attorney General,He said. (radar)

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