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15.445 Families in Banyuwangi Receive Food Assistance to Prevent Stunting

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As much 15.445 families in Banyuwangi are again receiving food assistance to reduce stunting. Aid will be distributed in stages starting Thursday (19/10) until the end of October 2023.

Kepala Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana Banyuwangi Henik Setyorini mengatakan bantuan tersebut merupakan program dari pemerintah pusat. Assistance targets families prone to stunting.

“The food assistance provided is in the form of chicken eggs and chicken meat,” said Henik, Saturday (21/10).



The target of this assistance program is pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and toddlers. hope, This assistance will help fulfill the nutrition of mothers and children so that their families are free from the risk of stunting.

“This is an effort to reduce the level of food and nutritional insecurity due to insufficient protein intake for mothers and babies. Especially in low-income families,” he said.

Masing-masing keluarga akan menerima sepuluh butir telur ayam dan satu ekor daging ayam seberat antara 0,9-1,1 kilograms in frozen form.

“Distribution is made to KRS (families prone to stunting) whose name appears in the summons. Beneficiaries must also show their original e-KTP and original summons,” added Henik.

According to Henik, assistance is distributed in two sessions. First session begins 19 October until 24 October. While the second side takes place on 27 October to 30 October.

Watch Video “Berkat Aplikasi SIMPATI Angka Stunting Sumedang Turun Drastis
[prawns:Video 20detik]
