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11 Santri "Magetan Cluster" from Banyuwangi In-Rapid Test, The Result is Non-Reactive

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Photo: banyuwangikab

BANYUWANGI – As much as 11 students from Banyuwangi who are studying at Islamic Boarding Schools (Islamic boarding school) Al-Fatah, Temboro Magetan, quick test has been done (rapid test) by the Banyuwangi Health Service. Result, everything shows non-reactive.

“11 Santri telah tiba di Banyuwangi, exist in several districts. Our team has done a rapid test, all non-reactive,” ujar Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Banyuwangi yang juga Juru Bicara Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Banyuwangi, Dr. Widji Lestariono as reported by, Friday (24/4/2020).

The man who is familiarly called dr. Rio explained, The students who returned home were quickly tested because the place where they were studying had been detected as a cluster for the spread of the corona virus (Covid-19) by East Java Provincial Government.

From the results of the examination by a team of doctors who use personal protective equipment (APD) complete, they do not show clinical symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

“Meski hasil rapid test negatif dan semua santri itu tidak menunjukkan gejala klinis apapun setelah kami lakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan sesuai protokol. We are still instructed to self-isolate with monitoring from the Puskesmas,” ujar dr. Rio.

Dr Rio explained, 11 The student has been recorded as a person at risk (ODR).

“Kami sudah beri pengertian ke seluruh keluarga untuk tetap ketat menjalankan isolasi," he said.

“Kami juga terangkan, isolation must be in the room. You can't just hang out with other families. For the common good. Alhamdulillah, the family can accept and will run with the monitoring of the Puskesmas,” imbuh dokter alumnus Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, the.

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